Forceprotector Gear®
Made In The USA
FPG's Mission:
Our Mission goes beyond manufacturing the absolute best gear ever built.
We at FPG have a long-term commitment in providing the complete solution to “you” the customer. We are not like other companies that focus only on revenue and profitability - who constantly replace their staff which in turn degrades quality, service and commitment.
Though revenue and profitability are important in business, we at FPG understand the value of providing quality and consistency which generates loyalty at all levels and in turn generates more business for years to come. At the factory, the average employee has been with us over 15 years and at our trade show booths, you see the same welcoming faces; year after year. Collectively, from designing, manufacturing, and customer service,
FPG guarantees the client the most experienced and conscientious staff in the industry. With over 500,000 FPG bags and systems deployed worldwide in support of combat, peace-keeping, humanitarian efforts, and outdoorsmen, we continue to lead the industry in “legacy item innovation” and “unparalleled customer support”.